ATA SPEC and the Aviation Industry Maintenance Program

28/12/2012 12:21

Automated data collection with barcodes is a part of the aviation product maintenance system. For product security, the ATA (Air Transport Association) emphasizes the importance of product management in the aerospace industry. The Air Transport Association provides extensive details of all requirements in their ATA SPEC standard. These specifications deal with the basic requirements for product marking and barcodes in Chapter 9.

Barcode standard as required by ATA

Two-dimensional codes are commonly used to mark aerospace industrial products. These are high density codes with machine readable data. Apart from 2D data matrix symbology this also permits RFID codes and multiple barcodes for item identification. The use of direct part marking, or DPMI technology, is also allowed. In DPMI technology, 2D codes are directly imprinted on the products’ or parts’ body. Direct part marking is machine-readable and allows a company to track a product throughout its lifetime.

Direct part marking and the ATA standard

Direct part marking includes information and data as specified by ATA SPEC with item- unique identification. Like unique identification, DPMI codes and labels have to include information such as:

• part number

• serial numbers

• types of products

• cost of products

• expiry time of a product

• enterprise identification code

• type of used verifiers

Materials to be used in barcodes

The Air Transport Association allows several types of materials to be used for nameplates. The materials are used for UID marking like aluminum, stainless steel, ceramic, and polyester can be used for DPMI nameplates. However, the material should be substantial to outlast all environmental hazards. In addition, the material should be durable, easy to place on the item, and should be hardy. Like the unique identification marking process, ATA SPEC recommends quality and environmental tests for nameplates and labels.

Importance of the ATA standard

This standard approves the utilization of barcodes. Barcodes are approved and used by important organizations like the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG), and many others. Product marking with labels or DPMI technology is beneficial to track products. This system also offers several other benefits, such as:

• Better consumer service: Using automated data collection is a time saving and convenient method. It allows the authority to easily track products during installation, maintenance, and replacement work. It is time saving because a user can record information instantly with the help of a single scan.

• Barcodes ensure product authenticity. The process also helps to identify data accuracy.

• Standards like ATA and UID are internationally recognized. As such, it increases product accessibility throughout the international market.

To learn more about these standards, marking processes, and labels, please visit