Boeing UID Scanners: Some Advantages

20/12/2011 21:47

UID labels play a primary role in the effective tracking of all Department of Defense (DoD) assets. These include all parts, products, equipment, and other supplies that the U.S. military uses throughout their operations. Today, the DoD’s UID registry is one the foremost authority for approved products and vendors to relevant government offices around the world. This registry is a nice medium to store important information about each part and product as well as all compliant suppliers.

UID labels, for identification tracking, are very useful to manufacturers in every industry. In fact, today, just about every manufacturer, including those not doing business with the U.S. Department of Defense, is using UID labels to facilitate improved production and quality of the products they manufacture. The most common UID labels contain general product information, manufacturing data, and an item unique serial number, among important data. MIL STD 130 outlines the specifications of compliant UID labels including requirements for compliant marking methods and materials. UID labels must remain durable and may face exposure to really harsh weather, as well as contact to a variety of chemicals, oils, or other substances. This information is required to remain legible for the full duration of a products’ life.

Now, it’s even easier to maintain UID compliance with advanced, Boeing UID scanners available with innovative SmartScan™ technology. These Boeing UID scanners, with integrated SmartScan technology have been developed for a wide range of UID compliance applications and are one of the industry’s most cost effective solutions for tracking and analyzing all UID production data. In fact, the Boeing UID scanners offered by ID Integration, Inc. (Code Corp Models) are the lowest cost 2-D scanner models that come with UID validation.

In the market today you can easily find UID scanners available for sale. However, these scanners do not possess the same capabilities or low prices as the featured Boeing UID scanners at ID Integration, Inc.’s Here are key advantages offered by today’s innovative and effective Boeing UID scanners:

Boeing UID scanners are easy to operate and integrate within a production process.

• Boeing UID scanners include a high resolution camera with the ability to scan both 2-D and 1-D codes as well as a full range of OCR text, handwritten signatures, and even image jpgs for storage within a UID production database.

• Every model of the popular Boeing UID scanners comes with the ability to output multiple errors and also provide suggestions for remedy.

• Information is easy to capture and upload for use within a production database.

To learn more about Boeing UID scanners and UID labels, visit ID Integration, Inc. online at